What Is The Best Database For GIS Project !

Geographical information systems (GIS) are used to store, manage, and analyze spatial data, which is data that has a location associated with it. This can include data about points, lines, and polygons on the Earth’s surface, as well as data about the attributes of these geographic features.

Fore more information click the the following link about Geographical information systems you can read following blog post that we cover about the GIS in the industry.

What is GIS (Geographical information systems)

In order to effectively store and manage GIS data, it is important to choose a database system that is well-suited for this type of data.

There are several database systems that are commonly used for storing and managing GIS data, including PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and MySQL. Here is list of databases you can use;


PostgreSQL is an open-source object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) that is widely used for storing GIS data. It has strong support for spatial data types and functions, and is highly extensible through the use of additional extensions such as PostGIS. One of the main advantages of PostgreSQL is that it is an open-source solution, which means that it is freely available and can be modified and distributed by anyone. It also has a large and active community of users and developers, which means that there is a wealth of documentation and support available.


Oracle is a commercial database management system that is also well-suited for storing GIS data. It has strong support for spatial data types and functions, and is highly scalable and reliable. One of the main advantages of Oracle is that it is a mature and well-established database system. Which means that it has a proven track record of performance and reliability. It also has a large number of features and options for managing and optimizing data, which makes it a good choice for large-scale GIS applications.

Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server is another commercial database management system that is often used for storing GIS data. It has strong support for spatial data types and functions, and is easy to use and manage. One of the main advantages of SQL Server is that it is a widely-used and well-known database system. Which means that there is a large pool of developers and support staff who are familiar with it. It is also well-integrated with other Microsoft products. Which can be a benefit if you are using other Microsoft technologies in your GIS application. If you are using .Net you can integrate SQL Server into GIS project using NetTopologySuite. It is an external library for .Net to develop GIS projects. Click the following link to get more information about develoing GIS project with .Net and NetTopolgySuite


MySQL is an open-source database management system that is often used for storing GIS data. It has support for spatial data types and functions, but may not be as robust as some of the other options listed here. One of the main advantages of MySQL is that it is a lightweight and easy-to-use database system, which makes it a good choice for small-scale GIS applications or for users who are new to databases. It is also an open-source solution, which means that it is freely available and can be modified and distributed by anyone.

When choosing a database system for your GIS application, it is important to consider factors such as scalability, reliability, and support for spatial data. You should also consider the specific needs and requirements of your application, as well as any constraints such as budget or technical expertise.

It may also be helpful to consult with a database expert or to seek out advice from other GIS professionals who have experience working with different database systems.

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