Herkese Merhabalar. Bildiğiniz üzere bu ay Angular 17 yepyeni bir imaj çalışması ile birlikte yayına çıkarıldı. Yeni versiyon ile birlikte hem framework içerisinde yeni özellikler ve performans iyileştirmeleri gelirken hem de Angular ekosisteminde bir takım yenilikler de bizi bekliyor. Uzun zamandır ben dahil bir çok Angular geliştiricinin yakındığı konulardan birisi dökümantasyonun çok yetersiz olmasıydı. Rakipleri…
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OpenLayers Nasıl Kullanılır ?
Herkese merhaba arkadaşlar. Önceki yazımızda openlayers nedir ve neden kullanmalıyız sorunu yanıtlamıştık. Popüler harita kütüphanelerinden biri olan OpenLayers hangi durumlarda tercih edilmesi gerektğini konuşmuştuk. Bugün ise OpenLayers nasıl kullanılır sorusunu cevaplayacağız. Diğer harita kütüphanelerine göre oldukça gelişmiş featureler barındıran OpenLayers aynı zamanda nesne tabanlı olarak yazılmış olması sayesinde kullanım açısından bize büyük kolaylıklar sağlıyor. Sadece…
Read moreAngular vs React! Hangisini Tercih Etmeliyiz ?
Herkese Merhaba. Bu yazımızda frontend camiasında faaliyet gösteren herkesin aklındaki o soruya bir açıklık getireceğiz. Angular vs React ? Hangi framework’ü tercih etmeliyiz ? Hangisini öğrenmeliyiz ? Hangisi daha performanslı çalışıyor ? Hangisinin öğrenmesi ve kullanması daha kolay ? vb bütün soruları teker teker irdeleleyeceğim arkadaşlar. Öncesinde isterseniz kısaca SPA frameworkler nedir ? Bize ne…
Read moreMaster Angular Routing and Lazy Loading: Boost Your App Performance
Welcome, fellow Angular developers! Are you looking for ways to improve your application’s performance and user experience? Look no further, for we shall delve into the realms of Angular routing and lazy loading, two powerful techniques that can significantly enhance your app. Angular Routing: Navigating with Style Angular routing is the backbone of efficient navigation…
Read moreAngular’s Dependency Injection: A Blessing or a Curse?
Angular is a controversial framework among developers that either loved or hated, with its fancy features and modern approaches to building web applications. One of the core features that stands out is dependency injection. You might wonder, “What on Earth is that?”. Well it is actually come from one of the fundamentals of the Object…
Read moreSetup Webpack with Typescript and SCSS in 5 Minutes!
Webpack is a popular tool for bundling JavaScript projects, and it can be used to bundle a wide range of assets, including CSS, images, and fonts Initiate the Webpack First we need to install webpack npm packages. I assume you already have npm and nodejs in your local machine. If you don’t please follow the…
Read moreAngular Component Guide: How ngOnChanges Hook Works ?
Angular is a very modern and powerful framework comes with tons of core features like dependency injection, content projection, advanced component lifecycle hooks and so on. Some developers claim it makes angular complex and cumbersome. In my opinion it makes angular productive. You can develop large scale application with less amount of time and complexity….
Read moreOpenLayers vs Leaflet! Performance and Functionality Comparison
OpenLayers and Leaflet are one of the most known mapping libraries on the industry used by thousands. Each of these libraries have its own pros and cons. Both of them have powerful side that the other has no efficient solution. Therefore it makes it hard to decide mapping library when it comes to develop a…
Read moreReactJS Explained! Everything you need to know!
ReactJS is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It was created by Facebook and is used by many large companies, including Netflix, Airbnb, and Dropbox. React allows developers to create reusable UI components, which make it easier to build and maintain large, complex web applications. It uses a declarative programming style, which makes…
Read moreGet To Know Express Framework! Why We Use It ?
Express is a web application framework for Node.js, released as free and open-source software under the MIT License. It is designed for building web applications and APIs. It has been called the de facto standard server framework for Node.js. Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of…
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